
For a moment think there is absence of your parents for a day  specially in your childhood . You can't imagine nah for a moment. Now think about who haven't thier parents for a long period or who loses their recently . You can't imagine thier pain just because pain demands to be felt 

Many of us heard word adoption many Times but we never give a single fuck about this . Generally adoption means adopting something from our surroundings.
But in this blog I want to speak about adopting children that is rare in our society .  According to me adopting child is the best thing that you can do in your life . Adopting child is equivalent to charity work that will be 
But in our society adopting child means you are not able to fertilise that's why you are adopting . Actually adopting child is stigma in our society . There are many myths speard about adoption.
 Many people have different school of thought about adoption . 

The Department of Community Medicine, Armed Forces Medical College in Pune, conducted a study titled ‘A Study of Knowledge and Attitude Towards Adoption Among Infertile Couples’ and found that 89% of couples surveyed were aware of adoption as a method to have children, and even though 77% had a positive view about it, only 54% were willing to adopt if assisted reproductive technology (ART) was unsuccessful. Beyond the prejudices surrounding adoption, the study also found that only 8% had any knowledge about the legal process of adoption. A 30-year-old entrepreneurial couple settled in Lucknow recently bought an IVF package for Rs 3 lakh that allows them three trials at conception. If they don’t succeed in having a child through medicine, then they will settle without having children at all.

Resons why adoption is difficult in our country
1)there aren’t enough children available for adoption because the ratio of abandoned children to children in institutionalised care is lopsided.

2)The second part of the problem is a chicken and egg situation. Most Indians have a skewed perception of adoption as they want “their genes, blood and lineage in their child. And this mindset needs to change because children ultimately do not belong to parents,

   And many more reasons that are uncountable and even we can't discuss and know about that reasons because different people have different reason to don't adopt child . 

And according to me if some people are talking about adoption but only from their peripheral values not from their core values .

If someone ready to adopt child but they want little child who is healthy and ....

 But what about disabled child . Does they haven't right to live and get a family . But  we the beautiful creation of God haven't beautiful heart to accept them .

You know even the new generation of our society doesn't ready to Adopting child just because the so called new generation is modern for only sake just because they only change their peripheral values not their core values .    

Now it's time to come out and take steps to adopt child instead of many new technology for instance ART,MTP etc ... theses are discovered as aftermath of science not exactly aftermath but ....

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