Modern life is nothing but a rat race

If anyone need money urgently from his parents then buy a single click he can receive money within a second without going to bank. This is possible due to technology. Nowdays life is very easy due to technology. Also our mindset are modified then earlier. This life is known as modern life.
Rat race is an endless self defeating or pointless pursuit. The phrase  equates human  to rat attempting to earn  a reward such as cheese in vain.
It may also refer to a competitive struggle to get ahead financially or routinely.
By  developing technology for our modern life which become rat race because in this modern life we are just chasing for reward that means for the improvement and development. Everyone is doing or chasing different goals for their reward in the form of happiness. Everyone is just running or follow other persons without knowing the real motive like rat. 
Earlier people don't had then many things for their livelihood so their life was not easy as much now. They were not compete with each other. No competition means no development. For modern life rat race is important without stress we can't do better in our life. Full productive output stress is important which is important element of rat race.
Rat race suggest a sense of competition and urgency as if one is constantly racing against others to attend success and prosperity.
The rat race can be seen as a negative aspect of modern society as it can lead to burn out stress and lack  of balance between work and personal life .in modern life we are running endless till death. Once we achieve one thing then after which going the another thing might for finding happiness .we are just running and running. Modern lifestyle is exhausting ,repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment.
If we are feeling overwhelemed and burn out it may be worth considering whether the constant pressure and stress of the red rise is worth if for us.
If we work without pressure and competition then output may be not fruitful as we want. For productive output which is important for the development of technology pressure and competition important as we know technology is the soul of the modern life style so without development modern life style is not possible. for instance there is a single seller of shirt in market buyers have not another choice ,if poor product is supplied buyers have to buy that means in a single Monopoly production may or may not be good but consider if there are two shirt seller in the market then buyers have choice and sellers have pressure for good production that means pressure and stress for any reward is good in this way.
Pressure and competition is good for the development but in a balanced way. For development we can provide good competition environment and pressure at a good level which should chase our dreams and goals if you want that .Don't follow the crowd without knowing the real motive behind the step. We should aware about our mental health which things affect our mental health badly and at what level we can handle pressure .Don't compare one individual to another that's why this we losing our real happiness we should run that race which we want for our happiness otherwise we will run for the whole life .Modern life is a rat race which we should quit or not that will be individual decision don't take any decision from following other people .We should leaving that rate race for our health and well being ultimately the decision of weather to quit the address or not will depend on human personal circumstances .Our modern life become a rat race  but we can change into good and balance race which does not effect our health and give fruitful result because without pressure and competition development is not possible because race and development are two sides of the same point we can't avoid anyone but we can do better this rat race .We  can find our happiness by our own path.

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