being neutral

Have you listen someone's said "I am on netural mode "..

Netural mode means mood between happiness and sadness ....far away from everything.
Sometimes in neutral mode on when they go through heart break , failure in anything etc etc ..that means there are several reasons for this mode but mostly people things it is just only phase of life and ignore this completely . By doing this somewhere they avoiding themselves , their emotions ......... they're just escaping from all things . By this they hurt themselves and change their identity. I know sometimes situations are too worst but doesn't mean that you are unable to overcome from all shitty things. Life is beautiful ,if something bad happens doesn't mean you just escaped from life  and change yourself . Everyone is unique by ignoring yourself you are just doing shitty thing. In life everyone have to go through different phases but doesn't mean life isn't beautiful . By overcoming through these different phases you just enhanced yourself ......and loosing yourself  in these phases is very bad idea .
Love yourself and love your life 

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